Are You Giving Your Beard Enough TLC?
We’ve got some top tips for making sure your facial fuzz stays looking sleek and healthy no matter your style or shape.
Get Dedicated to Your Face
If you’ve just started growing a beard and you’re not happy with how it’s coming in, it can be tempting to give up and cut it all off, resigned to the fact that you can never embrace your inner Viking. Well, we’re here to tell you that patience is a hairy virtue!
Try and let it just grow for the first 4-6 weeks without over-trimming. It might not initially look as stylish as you intended, but you need to set yourself up with a good foundation to actually style from. Some people will notice a veritable bush coming in after 2 weeks, whereas some might be counting the hairs come week 6; whether you have naturally quick-growing hair or not, just be patient and wait for the basis of your future beard to come in.

Learn How to Prune
Trimming your beard is one of the most important parts of growing one. Even if you decide you want a long, thick beard rather than a close-trimmed one, making sure it is regularly pruned is vital to keeping things looking healthy and smooth, rather than that not-so-hot caveman look.
Invest in a good quality beard comb (we recommend our wooden one as plastic combs tend to give off static) so you can brush out your beard to its maximum length. Then, with a shaver or pair of scissors, trim your beard into shape. Make sure you have a beard style in mind, so you know when to stop trimming.
Regularly trimming your beard will also help ‘train’ it. Stubborn flyaway hairs and bits of beard that are growing out rather than down can be tamed with a regular trim and comb.
Wash It, Wash It Real Good
You wouldn’t leave your hair unwashed for weeks on end, so don’t assume that a quick splash of water will work on your beard as well. Leaving it to fend for itself is probably going to lead to a greasy look and a funky smell – not the best combination.
Look for a beard shampoo and conditioner that is designed to remove impurities from your facial hair as well as giving the skin underneath a bit of much-needed moisture. Choose a product that uses ingredients that nourish the hair, softening it so it reduces that itchy feeling that comes with new beard growth.
Similarly, a beard balm can also have a huge effect on the quality of your beard hair. Out fast-absorbing beard balm has been made to give you soft, soothed and moisturised facial hair, with a dash of aloe vera which is known for its skin-loving properties.
Oil Be There for You
You might think that beard oil is only going to add grease to your beard, making it look dirty rather than shiny – not so! Beard oil is made to give your beard a sleek look without weighing it down.
It can also help to tame beards that are moving into Chewbacca territory, so that aforementioned 4-6 weeks of growth can be restrained while it gets to optimal trimming length. Our Original Beard Oil contains a blend of eight essential oils that come together to help your beard look, smell, and feel better every day.
Right Under Your Nose
Another important part of your overall facial hair style is, of course, your moustache. The beard it one thing, but if you don’t look after that top lip caterpillar as well, the whole look can be thrown off.
Use your beard comb to brush out your moustache so you can trim it neatly leaving no hair hanging over your upper lip. You can use your beard products on your moustache too, completing the look and leaving every hair feeling soft and healthy.